Our little slice of internet
It all started with a B.B.S (Bulletin Board Service) over 2 decades ago in a beachside house in Jamaica.
This is actually a very true story of our nomadic C.E.O Kiwami Livingston and a dedication to simplifying and digitizing simple tasks. Since then, we have pioneered and dominated nice markets in Social Media (Cyberjam), Streaming Media (Youstation) and Event Logistics (Presoldtickets.com) all monetized and fully trafficked during their time.
Now we have entered an exciting time, the normalization of the internet as a window to the world, not a tech obsessed nomenclature, amazing traffic and monetization partners and mass compatibility and broadband.
We are excited for the future, and we’re happy you are here.
Entertaining and engaging. Real world interactions.
Streaming Media, E-Commerce, Actionable Content
Full stack, Word Press, Flutter, Django, React Native.
What we do

“That’s been one of my mantras — focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex; you have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple.”
“I think if you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. Just figure out what’s next.”